2016 - 2017 Registration Info

Please see required documents for evaluations below.

(Both Varsity and Middle School teams)

Please print,fill out and sign each document and bring to Evaluations with payment.

  1. North Code of Conduct (Varsity Only)
  2. Consent and Treat
  3. Liability Waiver
  4. USA Code of Conduct
  5. Payment Declaration
  6. USA Hockey Registration*
  7. 5th Grade Player Movement (MS 5th Graders only)

* USA Hockey yearly registration:

Payment Schedule 2016 and 2017:

Varsity: $1,500

  1. 9/11: $375
  2. 10/11: $375
  3. 11/11 $375
  4. 12/11: $375.

Middle School: $500

  1. 9/11: $200
  2. 10/11: $100
  3. 11/11: $100
  4. 12/11: $100

Cash, Check and/or Credit Cards will be accepted

Evaluation's both Middle School and Varsity:

Sunday, Sept 11th @ 6:30pm

Monday, Sept 12th. @ 8:30pm